Legal Sea Foods Launches Advocacy Campaign for Alaska Wild Salmon

Published on: April 28, 2004

Restaurateur Roger Berkowitz Commits to Disclosing Origin of All Salmon; Aims to More Than Double Use of Wild Salmon from Alaska. Legal Sea Foods, Inc., a seafood restaurant chain, announced it is launching an educational initiative on the benefits of wild salmon vs. farmed salmon. The company is the first national seafood purveyor to brand Alaska Wild Salmon as its salmon of choice.

The campaign will include advertising and consumer information programs in East Coast markets from Boston to Florida. The advertising campaign, including television, radio, and print, will break next month starting in Washington DC.

Said Legal Sea Foods President and CEO Roger Berkowitz, "Wild salmon is healthy, environmentally sustainable, and it has superior flavor. We believe we are the first major restaurant company in America to commit to specifying the origin of our salmon on our menu and through our servers. We also plan to introduce a seal of authenticity that will accompany each serving of Alaska Wild Salmon in all 30 of our restaurants."

He noted that ensuring a steady supply of wild salmon from Alaska has historically been a challenge because of the decentralized nature of the Alaska fishing industry. "Now, thanks to new direct relationships with Alaskan processors, more wild product will be available to us throughout the year," said Berkowitz.

Alaska Wild Salmon are born in remote and pristine streams, rivers and lakes. They migrate to salt water where they mature before returning to the waters of their origin to lay their eggs. The state of Alaska, which prohibits fish farming, has invested millions of dollars to protect wild salmon and their vast, untouched habitat and to ensure their purity and sustainability.

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