Cellex Receives Cnd$2 Million to Develop Fuel Cell Fork-Lift

Published on: April 2, 2004

Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC)is contributing C$2 million for a Cellex Power's development and demonstration project. Hydrogen fuel cells will power Class 3 fork-lift trucks, used in warehouses for food distribution, and retail.

Off-road vehicles, including fork-lifts, generate almost 13% of transportation-related green house gases.

"Investment in companies such as Cellex is an important part of helping accelerate the reduction of the greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to climate change, as well as the reduction of criteria air contaminants," said the Honourable David Anderson, Minister of the Environment.

Said Vicky J. Sharpe, SDTC's President and CEO, "Our strategic support is enabling technology entrepreneurs to accelerate development of their groundbreaking clean technologies, connect with partners at all points of the supply chain, validate their business plans and get to market faster."

SDTC's contribution has been leveraged by $7 M (CDN) from a consortium that is lead by Cellex. Project consortia members include fork-lift dealer, Arpac Storage Systems Corporation and Fuel Cells Canada. In the consortium, Arpac will provide expertise in distribution, data collection and field demonstrations. Fuel Cells Canada will liaise with government and regulatory agencies on codes and standards to govern product quality and safety. The project will run until September 30th, 2005.

Since 1998, Cellex has led the development of power solutions for industrial vehicles. Cellex's initial focus is the fork-lift market and it has over 250 trucks days of field trials experience at market leading customer locations.

SDTC finances and supports the development of clean technologies – solutions that address issues of climate change, air quality, soil remediation and water quality to deliver environmental and health benefits to Canadians.

An arm's length, not-for-profit corporation created by the Government of Canada, SDTC fills the void in the innovation chain between R&D and commercialization – helping clean technology developers move their products and solutions through the development and demonstration phases, in preparation for commercialization.

SDTC funds ground-breaking technologies and fast-tracks their development by helping entrepreneurs connect with partners, formalize business plans, and qualify for venture capital financing.


Website: http://www.cellexpower.com     
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