In celebration of Earth Day, the Department of General Services and the California Power Authority released a Request for Proposals for the California State Facility Solar Power Purchase Program.
The State of California is initiating a process to enable agencies and educational institutions implement cost effective, on-site solar electricity projects.
The request for proprosals is for 4 MW of private-party-owned on-site solar electric systems (e.g. photovoltaic or other decentralized solar technology) to be installed in, on, or around a number of specified State facilities.
Successful bidders will be invited to sign long-term power purchase agreements with host State sites that will pay for the solar output on a cents/kWh basis.
The State of California believes this approach will provide the solar industry the flexibility and creativity necessary to achieve the lowest overall price for increasing the State's use of solar energy.
Request for Proposals are due by 17 June 2004. A pre-bid conference, optional attendence, will be held at 9:30 AM, 29 April 2004 at the DGS-Ground Floor Auditorium, 707 3rd Street West Sacramento, CA 95605.
No phone calls please. Submit questions by email or fax: (916) 651-9595.