Author: Mitsubishi Electric – Press Release
Provider: News
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation has developed a PEMFC cogeneration system using a Lossnay humidifier. A high level (by domestic Japanese measures) electrical efficiency of 34% was achieved, while overall energy efficiency was 83%, with heat recovery. The system was developed and reliability tested with DSS (Daily Start & Stop), and cold-weather operations needed for home and business use over the longterm, in mind. Development of the Lossnay humidifier and the molded separator which are the key components of the system was carried out with NEDO (New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization) funding.
The Lossnay humidifier is an indispensable component of the PEFC co-generation system, enabling the system to be simplified and to achieve a high performance.
Main Features
High-level electric efficiency (34%) and overall energy efficiency (83%) The PEFC system construction was simplified and its performance was improved using a Lossnay humidifier as a key component. A high level (by domestic Japanese measurements) of electric efficiency (34%) and overall energy efficiency (83%) with heat recovery were achieved.
Development of specific key components aimed at the production of a low-cost PEFC Molded separators made from heat-stiffened resin and carbon were used to control fuel and air flow in the fuel cell stack. A huge cost reduction of 1/100 compared to the previous separators was achieved, which translates to a unit cost of 200 yen for an order of one million units. In addition, the use of the Lossnay humidifier enabled the miniaturization of the heat exchanger and an expensive de-ionized water filter unit.
Original long-life reformer In a reformer, the thermal fatigue of its reactor tubes as a result of repeated stopping and starting, and operation at high temperatures of 700C to 900C is a common problem. An expensive heat-resisting alloy can be used to combat this problem. However, this time a tougher and cheaper reformer made of general-purpose stainless steel was developed. Its strength was confirmed by carrying out 1500 heat cycle tests. As a result, the PEFC system is able to conform to the requirements of DSS operation.
Future Developments
Further cost reduction measures, developments to make the fuel cell stack last longer and more durability and reliability tests of the system will be carried out in the future. Moreover, a 10kW class system will be developed for business usage, using the 1kW class system as a prototype.