Largest State Forest System in U.S. To Seek FSC Certification

Published on: February 13, 2004

Michigans 4 Million Acres to be Assessed for Responsible Forest Management

The Forest Stewardship Council – US today applauded Governor Jennifer Granholms announcement that nearly four million acres of Michigan state forestland will be assessed by independent auditors to assure they are managed to the FSCs standards of responsible forest management.

Governor Granholms announcement launches what will be the largest single FSC forest certification project on public or private land in the United States.

Under FSC guidelines, the state will have to demonstrate that its forest management meets or exceeds the highest standards for protecting water quality, maintaining wildlife habitat, preserving natural areas, and assuring proper forest regeneration.

Forest certification will not only benefit biodiversity, it will also help the bottom line of Michigan businesses that depend on state forests for timber supply said Kevin Korpi, Executive Director of the Michigan Forest Products Council, a timber industry trade association. According to Korpi, major purchasers of forest products like AOL TimeWarner, HomeDepot, Lowes and Kinkos have begun requiring that suppliers demonstrate their product comes from well-managed forests.

Certification means Michigan jobs, its that simple, said Korpi.

Helen Taylor, the state director of the Conservancys Michigan Chapter and a member of the Governors Michigan Land Use Leadership Council, noted that managing the state forest system in a way that balances their economic, recreational and environmental benefits was a consensus recommendation of the land use council.

Were very excited that the State of Michigan has decided to seek FSC certification for their forestlands. FSC certification would allow products coming out of the Michigan forests to compete both in the U.S. certified forest products market, as well as in the global market. This is a significant opportunity for Michigan to be recognized for the positive impacts forestry has had in the state from a social, environmental and economic perspective, said Roger Dower, FSC-US President.

FSC is a nonprofit organization devoted to encouraging the responsible management of the worlds forests. FSC sets high standards that ensure forestry is practiced in an environmentally responsible, socially beneficial, and economically viable way. Landowners and companies that sell timber or forest products seek certification as a way to verify to consumers that they have practiced forestry consistent with FSC standards. Independent certification organizations are accredited by FSC to carry out assessments of forest management to determine if standards have been met. There are currently 21-million acres of FSC-certified forestland in North America and 100-million acres globally.

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