Toyota Opens US Largest Green Building Campus

Published on: April 23, 2003

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Comments on “Toyota Opens US Largest Green Building Campus”

  1. John G.

    Nearly every expert in the Environment 360 article advocates for higher spending and higher taxes to achieve environmental goals. We all agree that we’ve got to the spot we’re in due to 1) too much spending, and 2) too much borrowing. So naturally our reflexive action is to look for more ways to borrow and spend! Most businesses make capital purchases based on ROI (return on investment). I have not seen any quantitative analysis of any of the recommendations in this article or in the 360 article that actually explains how much will be spent, and what will be the return for our dollars? No doubt many of these projects do have great benefits, and will certainly have to be weighed against other Governmental priorities. But given that the Federal Government has borrowed itself into the ground, do we really expect to spend these billions of dollars and pass on these debts to our children without performing an ounce of analysis? Let’s start giving these opinions a reality check! What are the costs, and what are the benefits? Which have the highest and lowest payback, How much can we really plan to borrow and spend right now without creating massive inflation and saddling our children with unrealistic debts? Now THAT would be a good article!


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