Comments on “Environmental Cleanup A Humanitarian Need in Iraq”
Primary reasons for healthcare going up in this country are 1) demand for more expensive services, 2) aging population, 3) scarcity of providers. It’s still a supply and demand problem. One of the biggest problems is the AMA is essentially a doctor’s union, who’s task it is to protect people but at the same time keep wages of medical professionals at the highest possible level. There are many foreign health professionals who would love to come to this country to practice, but local state requirements put in the place “with our health in mind” essentially block less expensive help from joining our health care system. Another problem is the cost of drugs. People buy drugs from Canada at 50 percent lower prices than in the US because Canada has put in tough laws blocking pharmaceutical companies from direct marketing to the doctors. The extra 50 percent we pay here in the US are all marketing costs (and in some cases kickbacks to doctors – shhh!). Unfortunately it’s a complex problem, and no politician is willing to face down the AMA, local State rules, and the pharmaceutical industry. Until that happens, it’s “business as usual” which means the customer pays higher prices. As Mr. King points out – high costs are a detriment to the entrepreneurial spirit of our citizens.
I think part of the problem is we focus too much on cures and not on preventions. Americans a heavily processed meat-centric diet is that is not only unhealthy, but also unsustainable. Our terrible diets and lack of exercise have made us dependent on a healthcare industry that is taking us to the cleaners.
Good point Ben. Definitely it’s an individual’s responsibility to keep themselves healthy. However when they do walk into the Doctor’s office, the Doctor could say “Eat healthier and exercise more” and most people will think “yah, right!”. So maybe both sides of the equation have to be looked at. More healthy people, and more providers to meet the demand. Any way you look at it, we have a basketful of bulging baby boomers about to hit Medicare – with the political clout to demand the best and most expensive services.
Primary reasons for healthcare going up in this country are 1) demand for more expensive services, 2) aging population, 3) scarcity of providers. It’s still a supply and demand problem. One of the biggest problems is the AMA is essentially a doctor’s union, who’s task it is to protect people but at the same time keep wages of medical professionals at the highest possible level. There are many foreign health professionals who would love to come to this country to practice, but local state requirements put in the place “with our health in mind” essentially block less expensive help from joining our health care system. Another problem is the cost of drugs. People buy drugs from Canada at 50 percent lower prices than in the US because Canada has put in tough laws blocking pharmaceutical companies from direct marketing to the doctors. The extra 50 percent we pay here in the US are all marketing costs (and in some cases kickbacks to doctors – shhh!). Unfortunately it’s a complex problem, and no politician is willing to face down the AMA, local State rules, and the pharmaceutical industry. Until that happens, it’s “business as usual” which means the customer pays higher prices. As Mr. King points out – high costs are a detriment to the entrepreneurial spirit of our citizens.
I think part of the problem is we focus too much on cures and not on preventions. Americans a heavily processed meat-centric diet is that is not only unhealthy, but also unsustainable. Our terrible diets and lack of exercise have made us dependent on a healthcare industry that is taking us to the cleaners.
Good point Ben. Definitely it’s an individual’s responsibility to keep themselves healthy. However when they do walk into the Doctor’s office, the Doctor could say “Eat healthier and exercise more” and most people will think “yah, right!”. So maybe both sides of the equation have to be looked at. More healthy people, and more providers to meet the demand. Any way you look at it, we have a basketful of bulging baby boomers about to hit Medicare – with the political clout to demand the best and most expensive services.
You tlinakg about atmospheric wind, or that coming from the Whitehouse? One is a force of nature, the other a farce of nature.