Comments on “Brazil Protects Pantanal Wetland Reserve”

  1. John G.

    It’s really not suprising at all. Years ago I was sailing in the Mediterraean with just blue sea all around me – you couldn’t see any land on any horizon. However, every few minutes I would see a Clorox bottle, a plastic bag, a diaper – it was quite off-putting. Many of these small islands in the Mediterranean have small villages where the garbage dump is literally a cliff falling down into the sea. If you looked down, you’d see old refridgerators, mattresses and refuse. They have no septic systems – it all drains unprocessed into the harbor. I really noticed it near Athens, Greece. Thirty miles outside of Athens the water is so clear you could can see 10 feet down crystal clear. As you sail towards Athens, at 20 miles away the water starts to turn opaque. At 10 miles away from Athens the water is now murky. When you pull into marina in Athens proper the water is so bad you’d be very, very afraid to swim it it. And the stench is unbearable. especially after a rain where the runoff enters the ocean.


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