AT&T Expands Phone Recycling Program at Retail Outlets

Published on: April 22, 2003

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Comments on “AT&T Expands Phone Recycling Program at Retail Outlets”

  1. richard Toole

    How can we get the new administration to establish a minimum price for fossil, non-renewable fuels? It is really hard to encourage alternatives with prices in free-fall!

  2. Tom

    As a conscious capitalist I’m not always in favor of government subsidies however in lieu of them for ethanol, maybe they could be utilized to advance sustainable recycling

  3. Gregg Dart

    McDonough & Braumgart (CRADLE TO CRADLE’ ;North Point Press, 2002) describe most “recycling” as “downcycling”: ‘Poor design of products and packaging makes true re-utilization of nutrients (biological & technical) dangerous and almost impossible.’
    If we are letting the “Invisible Hand” of a maket economy theory govern the actual way our goods and services are allocated, why has the United Staes of America (and almost every other nation/state on the planet) begun the process of emergency financial intervention?
    I think it’s time for more of the ‘think 200 years ahead’ kind of global dialog… and enacted within the daily spans of each of our lives.


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