SolarSummary: November 26 – December 2, 2002

Published on: December 3, 2002

by Kirsten Elder

Companies in the news

BP Solar:

First Solar Corp: (under construction)

Solar Century:

Solar Energy Systems Ltd:


Emerging Technologies

A joint venture between the Australian National University and Origin Energy has developed a new type of solar cell. The Silver Cell uses just one tenth of the costly silicon used in conventional solar panels while matching power, performance and efficiency. According to the ANU Centre for Sustainable Energy Systems, a solar panel using the Silver Cell technology needs the equivalent of two silicon wafers to convert sunlight to 140 watts of power. By comparison, a conventional solar panel needs about 60 silicon wafers to achieve this performance. (, 28/11/02)

After last weeks announcement by BP Solar regarding its decision to stop manufacturing thin film solar cells, the National Center for Photovoltaics (NCPV) in Colorado has released a statement reaffirming that the development of thin-film photovoltaic technologies is one of the highest priority research activities of the United States Department of Energy. The released statement said that neither BP Solar nor the NCPV view this decision as diminishing the potential of thin-film PV, specifically amorphous silicon and cadmium telluride. Rather, the situation underscores the importance of continued government support and research in these promising technologies. (, 28/11/02)


UK-based Solar Century, a designer and installer of solar electric solutions, thinks the market for solar powered street furniture has tremendous potential. The company said the opportunities that PV and associated technologies present are almost unlimited and is just the beginning of an exciting new era in energy production. In just a few years Solar Century expects to see the applications of solar power expand to: traffic signage illumination, telephone boxes, telecom repeater stations, public car park and security lighting, advertising displays and amenity lighting. (, 27/11/02)

Car manufacturer Toyotas Motor Sales department is in the process of constructing a new facility in Torrance, California featuring a 536 kW solar panel system that will generate enough electricity to power more than 500 homes. It will be the largest commercial solar PV system in North America. The project will also feature a range of other environmentally friendly elements that use recycled water and materials. (Daily Breeze via, 27/11/02)

A pilot project to assess the use of solar-powered refrigerators in a Navajo reservation without access to electricity in northeastern Arizona, has proved so successful that the manufacturer plans to shortly begin marketing the units. Phoenix-based First Solar Corp, an entrepreneurial venture owned by True North Investments, linked the production of its solar panels with a Canadian company that made refrigerators for boats and mobile homes to develop the 7.5 cubic-foot fridge/freezer. The units will be sold for approximately $1,700 with a financing plan for low monthly repayments. If the demand for the product is there, First Solar will expand its marketing to other Native American communities, but sees real potential overseas, in underdeveloped countries. (The Arizona Republic via Solarbuzz, 29/11/02)

The largest rooftop solar panel system in the City of Davis, California has become operational. The 30 kW system will meet about one-third of the building’s energy needs and began producing power a few weeks ago. Monitoring equipment is being programmed which is the final step in the project. (Davis Enterprise via, 30/11/02)

The Spanish economy ministry has granted a loan that will cover 33 percent of the planned investment of 520,000 for solar power equipment to be installed at five retirement homes in Madrid. The loan, issued via the Institute of Energy Diversification and Conservation, has been granted to Amma Recursos Asistenciales who operate nursing homes in the region. (Expansion via, 02/12/02)


In India, the Maharashtra government is to implement a range of alternative energy projects under the Integrated Rural Energy Planning Programme (IREPP) in 37 tehsils (blocks). Projects include 250 solar cookers, 200 PV lamps and 3 pilot solar parks, and will be sponsored by the Union Department of Non-conventional Sources of Energy. The state government has already issued licenses for setting up five private wind power projects keeping in line with the target of generating 10 percent of proposed power projects in Maharashtra from alternative sources. A total of 10,000 MW of power, out of a total target of 100,000 MW sought to be generated in India over the next seven years, aims to be generated using alternative sources of energy. (, 28/11/02)

A Malaysia-based solar products company believes that Malaysian consumers are increasingly accepting new innovations in solar energy. Solartech Sales and Service Sdn Bhd uses solar power, coupled with advanced technology, to power its innovative products and water heaters. “Initially, when we first started in 1986, many consumers were skeptical of our product since it cost more than the regular electric heaters and was basically a new innovation which people found difficult to accept,” said Solartechs division manager. However, they are now becoming more aware that the overall cost they are paying for solar-powered heaters is relatively cheaper than electric water heaters. The company also produces solar-
powered water filters as well as their latest product, the Summer TX solar water heater. More than 80 percent of the parts used to produce the Summer TX are sourced from abroad. However, manufacturing and the fabrication of the whole system is done in the company’s factory in Sungai Buloh. (Malay Mail via CNN Money, 01/11/02)

Peru’s Mines and Energy Ministry has allocated 203.1 million soles (US$57.8m) from its total budget of 325.1 m soles for the development of rural electrification projects in 2003. Funds for the rural power plan (PER) come exclusively from the executive projects department (DEP). The 2003 PER includes 57 projects, ten of which started in 2002. Other projects include small-scale hydro and solar. (BNAmericas via, 02/12/02)

Investments and Finance

Penalties paid by Montana-based oil company, Conoco, plus other polluters has led to more than $425,000 being available in individual low-interest loans to help Montana homeowners buy solar and other alternative energy systems. The loan programme, boosted by Conocos significant contribution through a penalty incurred for violating the states Clean Air Act, is hoped to stimulate the alternative energy market, improving products and driving down prices. Another expected benefit will be an increased number of qualified installers and knowledgeable experts. (Missoula Independent via Solarbuzz, 27/11/02)

Policy and Incentives

19 projects representing 435 kW have each won a share of a 2.2m UK government grant. They are the second set of proposals to be approved under the DTIs 20m Major Photovoltaic Demonstration Programme. Brian Wilson, the Minister for Energy, said I am convinced that solar power should make a real contribution to the UK’s energy mix. To help this source of energy really take off a new supply chain must be built. He went on to say, I want to ensure that the UK revolution in renewable energy brings with it jobs and that is exactly why I have set up ‘Renewables UK, a Government body tasked with securing maximum benefits for British manufacturers from the rapidly-growing worldwide green energy market. (Greenpeace UK via Delphi, 27/11/02)

Industry Reports & Events

The Solar Electric Power Association (SEPA) has announced the recipients of the 2002 Awards for Solar Business Achievement. In the category of public awareness and industry leadership, the winner was BP. In the category of development of a solar community there were two award winners: Commonwealth Edison and the Chicago Solar Partnership, and the City of Palo Alto Utilities. Finally, in the category of developing a sustainable solar business, the winner was Tucson Electric Power/City of Tucson. (, 26/11/02)

Elsewhere in Solar

Mexico’s state power company CFE has decided to incorporate a 25 MW solar power unit into its 198-242 MW Mexicali II combined-cycle project in San Luis Rio Colorado in Sonora state, according to BNAmericas. The 25MW of solar-generated power, and possibly more, will be in addition to the combined-cycle power. The World Bank’s Global Environmental Facility (GEF) will grant US$50m to the winning bidder through a trust fund for the project’s construction, which could be subcontracted or carried out directly. The CFE will buy 100% of Mexicali II power under the terms of a 25-year power purchase agreement. (BNAmericas via, 29/11/02)

Corporate News

Solar Energy Systems Ltd (SES) of Australia has been nominated for the CEPA Trust/ Ethical Investor Sustainable Small Company of the Year Award 2002. The company, as expected, received for the quarter to September relatively low sales, representing a seasonally weak time of the year, plus the effects of the drought. However gross margins continued to improve with the overall loss for the quarter better than forecasted. SES has recently completed a strategic plan for expanding existing, and pursuing new market opportunities. (SES via Delphi, 29/11/02)


Delphi International Ltd. is recognised for its role in helping establish and support the investment case for sustainable development in both OECD countries and emerging markets. Our experience of venture capital and early stage financing, together with considerable combined knowledge of the Water, Waste Management and Renewable Energy sectors, enable us to provide relevant strategic and business development advice to owners of ‘breakthrough’ technologies seeking expansion capital.

Understanding the expectation and requirements of Socially Responsible Investors, Delphi also works with both private institutions and multinationals to develop and advise innovative “green” funds or financing mechanisms. Our weekly SolarSummary, is an extract from our extensive research data base, aimed at the busy executive needing to keep track of the fast growing PV sector.

Contact: Kirsten Elder
Delphi International Ltd.
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London W1V 9FJ
Tel: +44 (0) 207 569 6831
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