Greenpeace Wants Exxon To Feel the Heat

Published on: October 19, 2002

Greenpeace ExxonIt can’t be much fun to be the target of a Greenpeace campaign. We’ll see how ExxonMobil reacts as the subject of an international campaign for its role in preventing action on global warming. The company is increasingly coming under fire for its social and environmental policies with 8 shareholder resolutions presented this year alone.

Despite multiple appeals from Greenpeace, Natural Resources Defense Council and others, ExxonMobil has refused to change its policy. They contend the company is using its sizable resources to support top politicians, like President Bush, in an effort to stifle U.S. action on climate change. Greenpeace cocuments this in their new report, “Denial and Deception: A Chronicle of ExxonMobil’s Corruption of the Global Warming Debate.”

The message activists and celebrities delivered this week is “Don’t Buy ExxonMobil” as they shut down gas stations in the heart of Beverly Hills and Manhattan. Protestors peacefully chained themselves to gas pumps at both locations and dropped a banner that read, “Stop Global Warming, Don’t Buy ExxonMobil.” Similar protests were staged at 50 Exxon and Mobil stations across the nation.

Says Gary Cook, Greenpeace Climate Campaign Coordinator, “In Europe and elsewhere, ExxonMobil is already feeling the heat – now the campaign is ramping up in the United States.” He says the campaign will continue until the company stops sabotaging government action on global warming, and agrees to support mandatory reductions in emission.

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