Energy In the Limelight

Published on: January 24, 2002

Green Ribbon Pledge
Energy will be at the forefront of the political scene over the next six weeks. Bush is expected to emphasize the importance of passing his national energy policy in the State of the Union Address January 29. Majority Leader Tom Daschle plans to bring a Senate energy bill to the floor the week of February 11. The White House will likely release the federal budget in February, revealing the Bush Administration spending priorities.

Regardless of the new Freedom CAR Initiative, increasing gas mileage standards for cars, SUVs and other light trucks is the best way to reduce our dependence on foreign oil, increase our energy security, and cut transportation emissions. Ask your senators to support a strong increase in auto fuel economy standards.

Energy legislation emphasizing renewable fuels could boost the U.S. economy by $300 billion and create as many as 300,000 new jobs by 2016, a study sponsored by the National Biodiesel Board concludes. It finds that increased use of American made fuels such as biodiesel and ethanol would generate an additional $71 billion over the next 15 years. [sorry this link is no longer available]

Do we detect a murmur of citizen activism to cut energy use? Greenpeace asks that you make a Green Ribbon Pledge to save energy. When you check off the energy-savings changes you pledge to make this year you’ll find out what your total energy savings will be. Your pledge can be as simple as turning lights off when you leave a room or more challenging – gasp! – replace at least 5 miles of driving with biking or walking per week.

Energy efficiency equals patriotism at Here too, visitors are asked to take a “Patriot’s Energy Pledge” to reduce our dependence on oil.

One the most important actions you can take to use less energy, of course, is to purchase an efficient car. and EV Rental Cars sells low mileage, used Honda Insights and Toyota Priuses.

Learn more about the controversy over the Freedom CAR initiative.
Op-Ed: Fuel cell or fuel efficiency?
Driving In Circles – New Fuel-Efficiency Initiative Is More PR Than Progress

Learn more about hydrogen, renewable and distributed energy:
Hydrogen Information Network
Fuel Cell Today
DOE’s Office of Distributed Energy Resources
EPA Green Power Partnership Program helps companies purchase renewable energy.

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