U.S. Energy Legislation Updates

Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle (D-SD) announced that the Energy Policy Act of 2002
(S.1766) will be taken up by the Senate around February 11, 2002. He committed to a comprehensive energy plan that would place greater emphasis on energy efficiency than the House-passed bill, H.R. 4., which continues our fossil-fuel and nuclear dependency. The Senate bill contains important energy efficiency provisions, such as a legislatively mandated SEER 13 air conditioner standard. The sponsors announced their commitment to add provisions to significantly improve vehicle fuel efficiency and to include tax incentives for highly efficient homes, cars and other products. Until these provisions are added, the bill is promising, but incomplete, say leading NGOs Alliance to Save Energy, ACEEE and the Sustainable Energy Coalition. Greenpeace calls it “Bush Lite.”

The bill would avoid opening the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil drilling, but includes nuclear and coal industry subsidies. Says Deb Callahan, president of the League of Conservation Voters, “The debate over a national energy policy is at last moving in the right direction. “After months of negative haggling over old, tired ways to meet our energy needs, voters will finally hear a positive debate about what’s next for America’s energy future.”

Alliance to Save Energy analysis of the bill:
[sorry this link is no longer available]

Section-by-section bill summary:
[sorry this link is no longer available]

American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ACEEE) analysis: [sorry this link is no longer available]

Sustainable Energy Coalition analysis: [sorry this link is no longer available]

Democrats Present Alternative Energy Bill
[sorry this link is no longer available]

Comparison of Democrat, Republican energy bills

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Senate Bill Provides Incentives for Energy-Efficient Housing
Sen. Bob Smith (R-NH) introduced a bill (S. 1709) to provide tax deductions and credits for installing energy-efficient heating and cooling equipment in residences. Rental buildings and private homeowners that increase efficiency by 30-50 percent would be eligible for tax breaks.
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House Bill Provides Incentives for Energy-Efficient Appliances
Rep. Bernard Sanders (I-VT) introduced a bill (HR. 3724) which would give tax credits for the purchase of Energy Star products and fuel-efficient American-made cars. The credits would be available to individuals and small businesses – 30 percent of the purchase price on Energy Star appliances and $3000 – $6,000 for the purchase of an efficient car.

Learn more: [sorry this link is no longer available] and type in the bill number.

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