Special Spotlight: Innovative Green Businesses

Published on: November 27, 2001


In March, the City of North Charleston, South Carolina announced plans to embark on the largest urban revitalization project in the United States, encompassing over 2,800 acres in the historic City Center and old Naval Base Complex. The “Noisette Project” is named after Noisette Creek where a new 200+acre urban park will be located.

Mayor Summey calls it a national benchmark for smart growth. In an article in the local paper, Post and Courier, he says, “We will offer an intelligent alternative to urban sprawl; we will demonstrate that renewal without gentrification is possible; and we will make the city’s beautiful waterfront accessible to every North Charleston resident.”

John Knott Jr., the acclaimed developer of Dewees Island is leading the project. He sees this as his chance to transfer the sustainable concepts he used to build that affluent island community to the heterogeneous urban setting. He calls it a “Dewees in the city.”

The ambitious plan – that calls for $1 billion in private investments and $75 million in city funds over 20 years – includes a waterfront park, two nature preserves and four or five museums. They will tear out landfills and restore marshes. There will be 8-10,000 new or renovated housing units, 6-8 million square feet of commercial space, improvements to 13 public schools, and redevelopment of the city’s Old Village.

The key for Knott, is to stay rooted in the area’s history, climate and culture, and to avoid the cookie-cutter solutions used so widely today. The museums, for example, will introduce city residents to their own history.

Other innovative elements include: “urban farming” of specialized, local products; loans to help people upgrade homes and buildings for greater energy efficiency; and redesigning schools as community centers with libraries, art facilities and continuing education centers. School buses could transport all community members.

Knott also plans to make North Charleston a major center for sustainable development by recruiting companies that produce sustainable goods.

Dewees Island: [sorry this link is no longer available]
Noisette: www.noisettesc.com

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