Conservation International and Ford Motor Company have joined to create the Center for Environmental Leadership in Business. A five-year, $25 million contribution from the Ford Motor Company Fund supports the effort, which engages the private sector to create solutions to global environmental problems. The Center concentrates on industries with the greatest environmental impact and those with the potential to bring about positive environmental change – agriculture and fisheries, forestry, energy and mining, travel and leisure, transportation, manufacturing, and financial services. The goal is for industries to replicate proven best practices around the globe.
Some of the initial projects are:
* Water Conservation. The site of a Ford Motor Company manufacturing plant in Sonora, Mexico, will be used to develop replicable business practices and public policies that conserve water resources, enhance water quality, and protect watersheds in critical ecosystems.
* Natural Resource Development. Industry and environmental leaders are developing best practices for oil, gas and minerals exploration and development.
* Food and Agriculture. Leaders in the food and beverage industry are developing sourcing guidelines to conserve ecosystems affected by global agriculture.
* Tourism. Tour operators are developing conservation principles for day-to-day operations environmental criteria for suppliers.
Center For Environmental Leadership in Business Launched

Published on: October 30, 2001
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