You can tour “Sustainable Sweden” with a group of 50 colleagues (at most), from August 4-19. Sustainable Sweden hopes to attract people from around the world to share their experiences as they get an inside look at the world’s leader in combining ecology and economy. The themes will be municipality planning, renewable energy, eco-tourism, and ecological business.
The tour will be organized around what’s happening with Agenda 21, The Natural Step, and sustainability initiatives in Sweden. You can go for one of the 9 day segments or for the entire 16 day tour. In the first segment, the group will visit southern Sweden, including Stockholm, Gothenburg and smaller communities such as Hallefors. Hallefors is an example of a community which turned itself around using The Natural Step principles. The community also uses the “Factor 10” concept and Max-Neef’s Basic Needs as tools to make their activities more efficient.
The second segment focuses on northern Sweden’s small, sustainable villages. In the mountain community, Sorsele, for example, the eco-municipality concept has been used to create hundreds of jobs. The tour group will also visit companies and educational institutes.
A registration deposit is needed by June 2001. For more information:
Ira Sundberg,
[sorry this link is no longer available]
Sustainable Sweden Tour: A Journey into a Sustainable Future
Published on: March 14, 2001
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