Growth Getting Smarter in All 50 States

Published on: October 10, 2000

A new Sierra Club report profiles an example of a smart growth development project in every state in the U.S.

Although sprawl remains a difficult problem, “Innovative developers and forward thinking communities across the country are using smart growth techniques to build neighborhoods that are walkable, accessible to public transportation, and that strike a balance between access to jobs, shops and open space,” notes Sierra Club president Robert Cox. Developers are using these strategies to revitalize neglected neighborhoods, create affordable housing, and rejuvenate downtowns.

The projects cited in the report were selected based on their score in a 42 question survey. It was developed by the Sierra Club’s Challenge to Sprawl Campaign Committee, which includes experts on transportation, land use planning and smart growth.

Download the report: [sorry this link is no longer available]

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