Native Americans Go For Wind Power

Published on: September 5, 2000

The Blackfeet Tribe of Montana, U.S., and the Peigan Nation in Alberta, Canada are constructing the first utility scale wind energy projects on tribal lands to generate energy for their peoples and for sale.

SeaWest WindPower, Inc signed a development agreement for the 22 megawatt Blackfeet project, scheduled to begin operating in October, 2001. It will provide enough energy to electrify over 6,000 homes. “Gaining electricity from the winds here on the Reservation has been talked about for many years.” says Earl Old Person, chairman of the Blackfeet Tribal Business Council. The project provides highly skilled employment opportunities on the Blackfeet Reservation and a commercially viable export business.

The Peigan Nation is gearing up for a $200 million, 101 MW grid-connected wind farm. Peigan Utilities Inc. and Advanced Thermodynamics Corporation – which holds the exclusive licence to market Nordex turbines in Canada – formed a joint venture called Weather-Dancer Wind Power. They plan to serve the 3000 Peigan Nation residents and then sell the rest to the Alberta Power Pool, as well as many other potential customers.

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