Local Illinois Governments Purchase Green Power

Published on: September 7, 2000

The City of Chicago and 47 other local governments will be buying its energy as a group from a single supplier. The bulk purchase of about 400 megawatts (enough to power 65,000 homes) of electric power will save millions of dollars; about half the energy is used by the City of Chicago and a fourth by the Chicago Transit Authority. Other members of the Government Power Alliance are Chicago Park District and City Colleges. Last year the group reduced their electric bills by over $10.6 million, or about 10 percent.

For a company to win the group’s business, it must lower costs for each member of the purchasing group and generate 20 percent of the power from renewable sources. It must also submit plans to reduce pollution from its conventional power generation. This will be the largest renewable energy contract in the U.S. by a non-utility customer. It will reduce the region’s reliance on coal-fired plants, another step elected officials expect will improve regional air quality.

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