You'll Be Eating with BioCorp's Utensils at the Olympics

Published on: August 1, 2000

As part of the effort to make September’s Olympics environmentally responsible, the Sydney Olympic Committee is contracting with Biocorp, Inc. to supply the eating utensils. The California company manufactures biodegradable, compostable plastic food service utensils and trash bags.

Biocorp will supply over 45 million spoons, forks, knives, coated cups, cup lids, straws, and plates. After they are used they will be put in their starch-based trash bags (along with food scraps) and composted, resulting in 70 percent less
landfill waste. Biocorps products cost 2-3 times more in first costs than non-biodegradable alternatives, but overall waste disposal savings counterbalance the initial cost.

Biocorp combines cornstarch and other biodegradable materials to produce compostable plastic. The food utensils are made from cornstarch and cellulose from cottonseed. The trash bags are 65 percent cornstarch, 10 percent other natural substances, and 25 percent polycaprolactone, a completely biodegradable petrochemical.

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