Ecological Land Planning Guide

Communities and citizens nationwide are frustrated by their inability to
halt the disturbing pattern of ecologically destructive and aesthetically unappealing pattern of land development. William Honachefsky, in his book, “Ecologically Based Municipal Land Use Planning” promulgates that the solution to this dilemma lies in communities’ willingness to construct a Municipal Master Plan.

“Until we get local land use planning under control, we will never clean up the environment or stop sprawl,” he says. He believes sprawl is a product of backward planning which puts the potential economic value of the land ahead of the valuable ecological processes the land is already performing. He shows how to elevate
preservation of the community’s “ecological infrastructure” to the highest priority of the Municipal Master Plan. Otherwise, local planners are subject to the futile effort of mitigating impacts from a “death of a thousand cuts” as they review one development application after another. has this title.

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