Climate Change on the Web

Published on: June 4, 2000

Climate Ark is a new climate change Internet search engine which allows you to search the best Climate Change web sites. You can quickly scan the most recent news on the subject too. Pacific Institute’s Climate Change Website has a resource page with links to over 200 selected websites including science, impacts and mitigation measures. The list links to two research bibliographies, a 2,000+ citation bibliography of climate change impacts on wildlife species, and a 900+ bibliography on climate change impacts on U.S. watersheds. The Pembina Institute’s “” is a new website of resources and success stories on how to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. It is aimed at Canadian companies but the information is easily generalized.

The U.S. EPA’s Climate Information and Outreach Program is making its education and outreach materials on global warming available to individuals and organizations interested in informing the public about climate change. Brochures, fact sheets, slide shows, videos, and CD-ROMs can be downloaded free of charge from the
ClimateLink website
. A new State and Local Climate Change Outreach Kit on CD-ROM focuses on voluntary strategies state and local government leaders can take to reduce greenhouse gases while help states and communities save money, improve air quality, lower risks to human health, and reduce traffic congestion. Among the topics covered are net metering, renewable portfolio standards, state energy codes, alternative fueled vehicles, light-emitting diodes, landfill methane recovery, public benefits funds, fuel cells, and district heating.

EPA’s general global warming website contains background information on the climate system, greenhouse gas emissions, climate change impacts and actions on a national, state, local, and individual basis.

Contact Dan Moffroid for the free CD-ROM.

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