Texas Clean Energy Technology Incubator Opens

Published on: May 2, 2000

If your company is a technology based energy start-up, poised for strong growth and less than 24 months from market entry, it may be a candidate for a new incubator formed through a strategic alliance between the Austin Technology Incubator (ATI) and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL). The incubator is open to a variety of energy conservation and renewable energy companies, from technology-based spin-offs and fledgling start-ups to research-based companies.

ATI is a program of the IC2 Institute of The University of Texas at Austin, known for providing start-up companies with the strategic, financial and management services they need to get off the ground. It has graduated 50 companies since 1989, five of which have gone public. NREL brings its extensive relationships to the table – international institutions, venture capital, multi-lateral lending institutions and national, state and local governments. NREL plans to start similar incubator alliances around the country.

Last year, Texas passed the most progressive electric utility restructuring law in the nation which mandates 2000 megawatts of new renewable energy generation by 2009. This makes Texas a very attractive market for renewable energy. “As we have seen with information and communications technologies, we believe the rewards are potentially huge for innovators and investors at the forefront of new, clean energy systems, says Joel Wiggins, director of ATI’s operations.”

Dr. Joel Wiggins, ATI: (512)305-0033
Dr. Marty Murphy, NREL:(303)275-3050
ATI: [sorry this link is no longer available]

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