Ford Signs on to CERES Principles

After almost three years of dialogue, Ford Motor Company Chairman Bill Ford announced at the CERES national conference that “As a result of lengthy conversation and mutual decision, we are including the CERES Principles as a key part of our new way of doing business. By endorsing these principles, we are pledging to go beyond the requirements of the law to preserve and protect the environment.”

The roll-call of CERES endorsers now totals over 50 companies including American Airlines, Coca-Cola USA, General Motors, Polaroid, and Sunoco. The CERES Principles represent a voluntary commitment to continual environmental improvement that goes beyond
the performance required by government regulations.

CERES is the convenor of the Global Reporting Initiative, an international effort to standardize sustainability reporting that is being pilot-tested by 20+ multinationals including Ford, Bristol-Meyers Squibb, British Airways, General Motors, Procter and Gamble, and Shell.

Global Reporting Initiative: [sorry this link is no longer available]

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