Earth Day Spawns Green Power Pledges

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), the Postal Service, and the Cities of Seattle and Santa Barbara, lined up to support the Earth Day campaign for clean energy. Secretary Richardson of the DOE announced the department will purchase three percent of its electricity needs from non-hydro renewable energy sources by 2005, climbing to 7.5 percent by 2010. The Postal Service signed a three-year contract to buy renewable energy for 1,000 sites in California.

The Seattle City Council unanimously adopted a proposal to meet Seattle’s future electricity needs with no net emissions of greenhouse gases. The city will rely on
existing hydropower and will develop wind, geothermal, solar and landfill gas facilities, and efficiency measures. If the city resorts to using fossil fuels, it will offset carbon emissions by methods such as forest protection. The City of Santa Barbara announced it will supply all municipal buildings with 100 percent renewable energy.

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