Earth Day In the Media

Published on: April 9, 2000

Earth Day themes abound in the media lately. Some of these dates have passed, but you might be interested in knowing about them.

* April 12-21, 3:00 PM ET: Cartoon Network USA airs a Captain Planet Climate Change
* April 14, NBC 8:00 PM ET: a special episode of Providence with Earth Day themes.
* April 16-21: CNN Special ongoing Earth Day Reports cover topics such as Clinton’s Environmental Legacy, Recycling Reality Check and a Big Picture Look at 30 Years of Environmentalism.
* April 16, CNN 10:00 PM ET: CNN & Time profile three Heroes of the Planet.
* April 17, CBS 10:00 PM ET: in a special Earth Day episode of Family Law, series star Kathleen Quinlan trades in her gas-guzzling SUV for a hybrid Toyota Prius.
* April 17, ABC 10:00 PM ET: The series Once and Again airs an Earth Day episode.
* April 19: the Earth Day edition of Time magazine hits the newsstands internationally.
* APRIL 21, TBA: ABC News special program on global warming hosted by Leonardo
DiCaprio, Chair of EarthFair 2000 on the National Mall in Washington DC.
* Earth Day, April 22: CNN features live reports from Earth Day events in Washington,
DC and Los Angeles. From 12-4PM there will be a live webcast of the flagship U.S. Earth Day event at Mall in Washington DC. From 2:00-4:00PM ET, NPR hosts live reports and interviews
from the Mall in Washington DC along with segments on global warming and clean energy.

The electric power for 80-85% for the Earth Day 2000 Celebration in Washington DC. will be powered by BioG3000, biodiesel fuel manufactured by Griffin Industries, Inc. of Cold Spring, Kentucky. It will supply electricity to the media/press booth, stages, exhibits, and other displays.

Find an Earth Day event: [sorry this link is no longer available]

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