Benefits of Appliance Standards State-by-State

Published on: April 11, 2000

Updated appliance energy efficiency standards would save $14 billion a year – 5.3 percent of current residential and commercial energy consumption in 2020 – while reducing power plant emissions according to “Opportunity Knocks: Capturing Pollution Reductions and Consumer Savings from Updated Appliance Efficiency Standards,” a new report by the Appliance Standards Awareness Project. The report displays how appliance standards benefit people and the environment state-by-state. While the most populous and warmest states see the greatest savings and pollution reductions, all states benefit.

The report states the U.S. Department of Energy is running years behind schedule in setting new performance standards for water heaters, fluorescent light ballasts, central air conditioners and clothes washers. It set two new efficiency standards in the past eight years – one for room air conditioners that takes effect this October, and one for refrigerators that comes into effect in 2001.

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