"Forward Drive: The Race to Build the Car of the Future"

Published on: April 2, 2000

This new book by Jim Motavalli, E Magazine editor and auto syndicated columnist, chronicles the history and future of the coming “transportation revolution” that will bring us vehicles that promise to “not only greatly reduce pollution but also to perform better, be more reliable, cruise farther, and last much longer than anything the public has ever seen.” Jim is an insightful analyst; he gives you a close look at the details of the political and financial forces behind commercialization of clean-technology vehicles.

Ford Motor Co. recently announced it will produce a line of hybrid-electric cars in 2003. You can submit your comments on features you would like to see in HEVs at their website and see how the company is presenting the concept to potential customers.

The Honda Insight HEV is available for sale on the West and East U.S. coasts. So far, about 400 cars have been sold. Donella Meadows bought one and writes about it on Tidepool, an excellent environmental website geared to the Northwest.

If you purchase “Forward Drive,” through the Natural Resources Defense Council’s website or by
clicking through this link to Amazon.com,
they will receive 5%.

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