Renewable Energy Databases & Incentives

Published on: January 1, 2000

Financing sources to help people install renewable energy systems and energy efficiency upgrades are finally becoming more available. Nationally, GMAC Mortgage and FREDDIE MAC allow homeowners to increase monthly payments and debt ratios to finance PV systems, solar hot water and energy efficiency upgrades. Sallie Mae finances energy efficiency improvements.

There are a number of institutions in California that offer financing. The California Energy Commission gives a cash rebate up to $3,000 per kW or 50% off the price (whichever is less) of a PV system, small wind turbine, fuel cells, or solar thermal system. You can download a guide from their website, Buying a Photovoltaic Solar Electric System: a Consumer Guide, which discusses issues such as shading, roof space required, amount of electricity produced, system cost, financing, property taxes, net metering, and selecting a PV provider. A list of renewable system installers are on the website.

The Database of State Incentives for Renewable Energy is a very useful tool that summarizes state-by-state financial incentives, programs, and regulatory policies. It includes contacts, state legislative statutes, and links to state program resource pages.
It also contains Schools Going Solar Programs.

The National Renewable Energy Lab developed a database called “REPiS” which covers U.S. current and planned renewable energy generation capacity – 113,000 MW of biomass, geothermal, hydroelectric, photovoltaics, solar thermal, and wind – connected to the utility grid. You can search for facilities by company and state.

California Energy Commission: [sorry this link is no longer available]
Database of State Incentives for Renewable Energy: [sorry this link is no longer available]. Contact: Kevin Porter
REPiS:[sorry this link is no longer available]

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