Exchange Your Waste Online

Published on: January 4, 2000

Do a search for “waste exchange” and you may well find a way to buy and sell surplus recyclable waste, equipment, air emissions credits, water effluent credits, sulfur and greenhouse gas emission credits on the Web. Many of the services are just getting off the ground., EnviroXchange and Recycler’s World offer their services internationally, but there are also national, regional, and local exchanges.

In the UK, a nonprofit, Tipton Community Enterprise Limited runs an online waste exchange in partnership with the European Regional Development Fund and a local council (Sandwell Metropolitan Borough). In addition to reducing solid waste, which is not meeting EU targets, the website operators hope to encourage the development of
new businesses that use waste as a raw material. Contact
Dave Thomas
or visit: [sorry this link is no longer available]. There is also a Dutch Waste Exchange and an Australian exchange run by the Department of Environmental Protection, called Industrial Waste Exchange. In the U.S., Waste Management Inc. runs an online Recycling Trading Center for scrap materials including building and construction, electronics, wood, and plastic.

There are numerous state, regional, and local exchanges such as the Ontario Waste Materials Exchange, South Dayton, Ohio, NY Wastematch, New Hampshire Materials Exchange,
Trenton Waste Exchange (New Jersey), and IMEX (Pacific Northwest). When a church in Minnesota needed to get rid of a 3500 square foot house they found a taker on the Free Market Materials Exchange, diverting 175 tons from the landfill and saving them a large expense. The exchange was started last year and, as of July, had completed 500 transactions.

Municipalities can use these sources to find markets for materials recovered through their recycling programs and manufacturers can find reliable, high quality sources of recyclable commodities.

List of, and links to waste exchanges: [sorry this link is no longer available]
[sorry this link is no longer available]

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