Companies Voluntarily Reduce Greenhouse Emissions

Published on: January 5, 2000

According to an Energy Information Administration (EIA) study, “Voluntary Reporting
of Greenhouse Gases 1998,”
187 U.S. companies and other organizations reported 1,500 greenhouse gas emissions projects in 1998. They claimed reductions or offsets of 210 metric tons of CO2, the equivalent of 3.2 percent of total U.S. emissions for the year. This is three times the amount reported in 1994 when the program began as part of the Energy Policy Act of 1992.

Greenhouse Gas Performance Software, developed by GreenWare Environmental Systems Inc., helps businesses measure, monitor and report emissions. As company divisions enter data it is seamlessly integrated for the parent company. Companies can determine their current performance by using the database of greenhouse gas performance indicators, as well as set targets for improvement in energy use and environmental performance. Best practices and benchmarking can be easily achieved across facilities. It works for companies of all sizes. Sustainability Report-building software will be available soon.


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