Colorado Leads the Nation in Green Homes

Published on: December 15, 1999

More than $1 billion worth of “green” homes have been built in Colorado during the
past two years, far outpacing any other state. About 3,500 green homes have been built at a median price of $230,000 since the kick-off of the “Built Green” campaign by Home Builders of Metropolitan Denver in 1997.

Colorado is the first state to offer a statewide “Built Green” designation for its homes. The Green Builder Program of Colorado registers homes based on a 20 category checklist that includes an energy efficiency requirement, and a menu of options addressing a range of “green” items from which the builder must select a minimum number.

Colorado is one of six pilot areas for a Fannie Mae program that allows buyers to borrow up to 15 percent of the cost of a home for energy efficiency improvements. Another Fannie Mae program for new construction gives buyers incentives to incorporate energy- and water-efficiency features.

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