American Organic Standards Approved

Published on: December 16, 1999

Since last March, when it became clear the USDA would need to create a second draft of its proposed National Organic Program, the Organic Trade Association (OTA) has been furiously working on an industry-initiated set of criteria. The resulting American Organic Standards are now approved and are open to revision over the next 18 months. This gives the industry national guidelines to follow until a federal standard is approved, and will help the industry respond in unison to the USDA’s revision.

Currently, organic certification standards are regulated on a state level, but 20 states have no organic agriculture laws or labeling requirements. Research indicates that peoples’ faith in organics depends on a cohesive set of standards regulated on a federal level. From 1994-1999, the organic products industry tripled in size, from $2.3 – 6.5 billion, and is expected to double again by 2003, reaching over $13 billion.

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