Progressive's Sustainability Mutual Fund

Published on: October 7, 1999

This September, Progressive Investment Management launched Portfolio 21,
the first U.S mutual fund that consists of companies chosen for their leadership and
commitment to sustainability.

The portfolio of companies show a commitment to sustainability through their business strategies and investments, practices of using and developing clean energy sources, resource efficiency and environmental management, ecologically superior product lines, and their role in influencing industry toward sustainable practices.

Each company is scored against standards tailored to its industry group. Progressive worked with Susan Burns, Natural Strategies Inc. to translate The Natural Step principles of sustainability into a concrete set of criteria.

Progressive believes companies that employ these principles are more efficient and
profitable today and are positioned to prosper in the future. “We’re looking for companies that see environmental sustainability as a business opportunity in addition to a stewardship issue,” says chairman Carsten Henningsen. “There are no absolutely sustainable companies. We have identified those we believe have the greatest potential and highest commitment to work toward a sustainable

Portfolio 21 is a world-wide fund that invests in companies of all sizes. There are 30-40 stocks in the portfolio now, including Mitsubishi Electric, Astropower, Scandic Hotels, Electrolux, and Ballard Power Systems. U.S. companies Hewlett Packard and IBM, and ST Microelectronics in France, are included, for example, because of their history of environmental responsibility and because they recognize the opportunities involved in manufacturing ecologically sound products. More companies will be added as they qualify.

Contact Carsten Henningsen:
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