Move Over L.A., George Bush is Here

Published on: October 8, 1999

For the first time since the 1940s, when the air quality in Los Angeles became a public concern, the city issued no Stage 1 smog alerts this summer (the most dangerous level of smog). Instead, Houston won the honor of being the most smoggy U.S. city, with 44 Stage 1 alert days.

The Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER) Texas chapter blames it on Texas Governor George Bush’s cozy relationship with polluters. The group claims Bush allowed industry to “write loopholes to allow their smokestacks to avoid regulation.”
PEER’s website reveals internal memos that document how Texas air quality laws were weakened for the benefit of key industry players. Watch this website for ongoing stories related to Bush’s environmental record.

Texas Peer:

Source: Environment News Service: [sorry this link is no longer available]

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