Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems

Published on: October 3, 1999

The Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems is a mammoth project that will summarize the totality of human knowledge about sustainable development at the beginning of the new millennium. Supported by UNESCO, this global research project is designed to educate policy makers and individuals and set the research agenda on sustainable development in all disciplines that affect knowledge of the issue. The Encyclopedia will be published on a CD-ROM.

It is divided into six areas: Global Sustainable Development, Water, Energy, Environment, Food and Agriculture, and Knowledge Foundations. One of the sub-sections is on ecological economics and experts in the field are invited to contribute. There are eight themes in the section:

1) ecologically sustainable corporate practices
2) complexity and chaos in environmental-economic interactions
3) system dynamics in policy making
4) system dynamics in resource management policy
5) foundations and historical roots of ecological economics
6) principles of ecological economics
7) policy Issues and ecological economics
8) the cultural dimension of ecological economics

Contact Roderic A Gill, New England Ecological Economics Group (NEEEG) and visit the website.
Encyclopedia website: http://www.eolss.co.uk

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