Course Scholarships For US Citizens at Schumacher College, UK

Published on: September 18, 1999

Schumacher College, based in southwest England, runs short residential courses attended by people
from all over the world, from all ages and backgrounds. The courses offer an opportunity to learn from
leading activists, thinkers and writers, and to network with the international participant group, to share
ideas and work for a sustainable future.

Thanks to the Educational Foundation of America, U.S. citizens may receive scholarships for these courses:

October 10-29. Global Power, Local Promise: Justice and Sustainability in a Global Economy
Teachers: Vandana Shiva, Mathis Wackernagel, Wolfgang Sachs

November 7-26. A Sense of Wilderness
Teachers: David Brower, Val Plumwood, Ian Player

January 9-28, 2000. Complexity, Chaos, & Creativity
Teachers: Ian Stewart, David Peat, Brian Goodwin

Visit the Schumacher College website for more information
and an application form.

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