U.S. EPA is Accepting Comments for Emissions and Gasoline Standards

Published on: June 7, 1999

You can call the EPA toll-free or email them your comments on the proposed new rules for tailpipe emissions from autos and sulfur levels in gasoline.

This proposal significantly reduces emissions from cars and light trucks, including sport utility vehicles (SUVs), minivans, and pickup trucks. Automakers will be required to sell cleaner cars and refineries will be required to make cleaner gasoline.

888-TELL-EPA (888-835-5372): 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Listen to the instructions and leave a message (up to two minutes long). It will be transcribed and included in the official docket.

You can Email them or submit comments from the Tier 2 website for 45 days after the last public hearing. All the facts on the proposal are on the website.

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