Environmental NGOs Join With Shareholder Activist Groups

Published on: June 3, 1999

Friends of the Earth is bringing the environmental NGOs and shareholder activists together. They just held a training conference on the subject, and have convened over 100 investor, environmental, labor, and community organizations to request the Securities and Exchange Commission to mandate increased disclosure in corporate financial statements.

A coalition of environmental groups have endorsed 74 environmental shareholder resolutions related to: CERES, global warming, reporting standards, toxics, nuclear issues. Trillium Asset Management (formerly Franklin Research & Development) is working with several NGOs to stop financing of the Three Gorges Dam in China.

According to an article in Trillium’s newsletter, the company has joined Green Century, U.S. Public Interest Research Group and others to file resolutions with Chevron and ARCO to stop their plans for oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. This has been a contentious issue for at least 15 years – NGOs have come close but haven’t been able to designate this pristine area as wilderness. It has been shown over and over again that the tiny amount of oil available there is not worth the huge damage that would be inflicted on this intact ecosystem. BP and Exxon also plan to drill there.

Contact: Michelle Chan
Read the SEC letter

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