Coalition Challenges Wal-Mart on Social Responsibility

Published on: June 2, 1999

A coalition of leaders from religious, labor, consumer, civil and human rights, indigenous, and investor groups sent an open letter to David Glass, CEO of Wal-Mart, calling on the company to take specific steps to improve its social and environmental performance.

“As the largest retail corporation in the world with over 3400 stores, Wal-Mart is a key player in the global economy,” states Rev. David Shilling, director of ICCR’s Global Corporate Accountability Programs. “If Wal-Mart pays low wages and perpetuates abusive conditions through inaction, other companies will do the same. But if Wal-Mart acts to raise labor and human rights standards in the world, the company will set a positive example for other retailers to follow.”

The letter calls on Wal-Mart to:

— Exert leadership in community relations wherever it has stores
— Participate in diversity programs and public disclosure regarding these programs
— Establish policies on Indigenous issues with leaders of that community
— Endorse environmental performance and disclosure in accordance with the CERES principles
— Pay wages that enable employees and vendors’ employees to meet basic needs and provide discretionary income
— Implement an independent monitoring process for supplier plants to eliminate sweatshop labor

By the way, Wal-Mart is attempting to open its first store in England. They are in for a fight since people there are afraid the entry of this super-chain will lead to U.S.-style box stores, strip malls and sprawl.

The Corporate Examiner

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