Certified Pulp & Paper in the U.S.

Published on: June 6, 1999

The Lyons Falls Pulp & Paper company in upstate New York is the first mill to produce FSC-certified paper in North America. Working closely with the Wilderness Society, which initiated the project, Lyons has produced the world’s first certified printing and writing paper. (AssiDoman of Sweden produces certified kraft, wallpaper and toilet tissue since early 1998).

According to Spencer Phillips, the Wilderness Society economist who spearheaded the venture, “Certification is not just for lumber anymore. Now the FSC system can be applied to any forest product.”

The first paper run comes from pulpwood from the Haliburton Forest and Wildlife Reserve in Ontario, Canada, which received FSC certification in 1997. Lyons will continue to also produce recycled-content paper. Many papers require the strength of some virgin fiber, and certification assures the fiber will come from well-managed forests. Several years ago, Lyons was the first mill to produce chlorine free-paper.



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