2,000 Offshore Giant Windmills for Denmark

Published on: June 4, 1999

Denmark is building 2000 offshore windmills by 2008 to help meets its goal of deriving 50 percent of its electricity through renewable sources by 2030.
The turbines, in the North Sea and the Baltic, will be four times larger than current machines.

The country generates six percent of its electricity with 4,700 windmills now. The expanded the network will support exports to Germany, Norway and Sweden, while reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 8 percent. 100,000 citizens in Denmark own shares in windmill cooperatives, and individuals receive tax reductions when they invest in wind power.

Denmark is also introducing quotas for CO2 emissions by electricity generators, initiating a green certificate system, and replacing subsidies with mandates for consumers and suppliers to source at least 20 percent of electricity from renewable sources by 2003. Green energy facilities built until 2002 will receive subsidies for 10 years.

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Source: Trends in Renewable Energy: http://www.renewables.ca

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