Vermont Coalition Releases Tax Shifting Report

Published on: May 3, 1999

The Vermont Fair Tax Coalition, a coalition of business, consumer and environmental organizations, has released the report, Tax Reform that Agrees with Vermont. It presents an overview of environmental tax shifting, analyzes tax shifting options for Vermont, and presents an inventory of the states environmental taxes, fees, and incentives.

The report suggests reducing or eliminating the property, sales, personal income, and payroll taxes in return for increasing, for example, the motor fuel tax, the solid waste tax, creating a motor vehicle feebate program and a carbon tax on fossil fuels in Vermont.

In a recent statewide Vermont poll, 93 percent of participants expressed support for tax reform that would help protect clean air and water, and about 88 percent supported tax reform that would help control sprawl style development.

A tax shift bill was defeated by just one vote recently in Vermont House of Representatives.

For a copy of the report:

To read the Tax Shift Bill: [sorry this link is no longer available]

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