The Great Green Web Game

Published on: May 1, 1999

A recent analysis by the Union of Concerned Scientists concludes that
the great majority of consumer environmental impact is linked to cars, food choices, household appliances and lighting, home heating and cooling, home
construction, and household water and sewage.

Based on these findings, they have published a book, A Consumer’s Guide to Effective Environmental Choices and created the Great Green Web Game. The latter is an engaging, animated “board game” that tests your knowledge of these categories. The questions are thought-provoking and sophisticated, and change each time you play the game. Even I got some of the answers wrong and got only a 84% total score. For example, what type of refrigerator is the least energy-efficient?

— side-by-side models
— top-freezer models
— bottom-freezer models

[sorry this link is no longer available]

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