Get Help For Your Business From Social Venture Institute

Published on: May 2, 1999

Join business and social entrepreneurs for intensive, interactive inquiries
into how to face the day-to-day challenges of growing a business with
socially conscious values. This program is an opportunity to fine tune
business strategies, gain insight into solving business problems and implement “best practices” as well as to forge long lasting relationships with business peers and mentors.

Founded by Gary Hirshberg, CEO of Stonyfield Farm, the Social Venture Institute offers participants the opportunity to present their most difficult business challenges to peer reviewers. Take the “hot seat” and present your case to the group in one of three theme areas:

* Business Financing: Raising Equity and Debt Capital
* Overcoming Sales and Marketing Challenges
* Managing Organizational Change

The institute is directed toward CEOs, senior managers and entrepreneurs from for-profit companies and non-profit organizations. Enrollment priority will be given to second stage entrepreneurs.

June 10-12, Hampshire College Amherst, MA
Sept. 8-12, Hollyhock Cortes Island, British Columbia
Nov. 7-9, Marconi Conference Center, Marin County, CA

Visit the Social Venture Network website for details:

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