Food Production & Population Growth Video from Author, Daniel Quinn

Published on: May 13, 1999

Daniel Quinn’s book, Ishmael, is an environmental fiction classic. He’s produced a thought-provoking video, “Food Production & Population Growth” to address the many questions he receives on population.

One of the subjects he explores is the relationship between food surplus and population growth. Fred Elbel, who produces the EcoFutures website, reviews the video. “We make food a commodity and reward producers for higher output. The surplus allows our population to grow even more. The presenters contend we need a systemic change – one that rewards producers for their work, but not by the pound.

We also need to tie food production to local areas of sustainability. Original Native American tribes were restricted to the food supplies of their own geographic areas and could not infringe on food sources in the territories of neighboring tribes. Similarly, areas such as Houston could become sustainable if they included a regional area sufficient to produce food for their residents, necessarily enforcing population to remain in equilibrium with available food
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