U.S. Environmental Industry Coalition Forms

Published on: April 4, 1999

A new group is in the formation stage: The Environmental Industry Coalition (EIC) of the United States. Its mission is to serve as a unified single voice for the environmental industry, to reinvigorate demand for environmental products and services domestically, and to enhance the competitiveness of the U.S. environmental industry in the global market.

EIC will educate policy makers about the environmental industry. According to Bob Hurley, executive director, the industry consists of 33,000 corporations, employing 1.3 million people, with revenues of $187 billion, producing a $10 billion per year trade surplus.

EIC’s immediate goals are:

— Identify political leaders to act as national-level industry champions and other advocates in both major political parties,

— Increase awareness of the environmental industry and our issues among policymakers and the public,

— Gain better-coordinated government support for environmental exports

— Promote policies that link production efficiency, economic competitiveness and environmental progress, establishing a market incentive for investment in continuous environmental improvement,

Bob Hurley: bhurley@pghtech.org

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