Restructure the Electricity Market Right From the Start

Published on: April 2, 1999

Based on the experience of Renewable Energy Alliance (REA) members in the deregulated markets of California, New England and Pennsylvania, the group released a paper which lists the policies necessary to develop a vibrant, competitive retail market for renewable power.

“The rules adopted by each state literally make or break the existence of a competitive retail market,” says Tom Rawls, Director of Environmental Affairs for Green Mountain Energy Resources.

REA calls for states to:

— Establish meaningful price competition,
— Open competition to all customer classes simultaneously,
— Avoid unnecessary regulatory barriers to customers who want to switch,
— Make renewable energy policies friendly to the market

REA also provides guidelines on the type of information needed for individuals to evaluate competing electricity products.

Read the full text of “Electric Industry Restructuring Principles: Realizing the Benefits of Retail Electricity Choice”: [sorry this link is no longer available]

A working group of organizations is building support for public benefits
funding to underwrite energy efficiency, renewable energy, and low-income programs. Learn more about the group’s progress and how to initiate similar efforts in your state:

[sorry this link is no longer available]

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