Participate in Canadian Hearing on Free Trade

Published on: April 5, 1999

The Canadian government is holding Parliamentary Hearings on the World Trade Organization and the potential new Free Trade Agreement of the Americas.

Public hearings will be held across Canada, giving you an opportunity to shape
measures to simultaneously improve the environment and trade in environmental goods and services. People who believe environmental protection and trade can co-exist need to be heard to balance those who advocate that protecting the environment impedes free trade.

The Council of Canadians has prepared “The Trade (WTO/FTAA) Action Package” which has background information on trade and investment including the WTO and the FTAA.

To make a presentation or request a hearing in your home city, contact Richard Dupuis, Clerk of the Standing Committee: 613-996-1540.

For more information on these hearings, Department of Foreign Affairs & International Trade
(click on news releases, select 1999 and the relevant information is
dated Feb. 8, 1999).

The Gallon Environment Letter

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