An Opportunity For International Accomplishment: Ozone Hole

Published on: February 1, 1999

By 2050, the ozone layer is likely to return to the condition it was in before 1970, when freon was first used, according to the Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion 1998, by the World Meteorological Organization and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).

The predicted recovery depends, of course, on fully implementing the Montreal Protocol, including its ultimate goal of a total ban on ozone-destroying chemicals in the 165 countries that are parties to it. The U.S. has kept its commitment to ban CFCs and developing countries will begin phasing out the chemicals this year. Unfortunately, one of the riders passed for this year’s U.S. budget postponed the phase-out of methyl bromide until 2005.

CFCs already in the stratosphere will peak at about 2020 before gradually declining.

E Magazine

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